Rick O'Shea and the Munich Mystery Pt 4

After a bit of a hiatus, we get back on board with the story of Rick O'Shea. Unfortunately, summer, and trying to organise and buy land, choose builders and design plans, choose sinks,doors,floors,carpets paint plants etc for a new house has taken up an inordinate amount of time. Anyway to business.

This sytem continues to use the emulator from Mike Overbo. Some may have noticed that he commented in the last post around how to change the emulator to address the chaos factor which was great.

Act 2


New Scene:

Embarkation Sheds: New York

Walk scene


Rick makes his way through the docks to the loading area for the Europa. The docks are full of bustle as sailors try and load everything aboard, passengers and family well-wishers intermingle. The sound of shouting and noise fills the air, sirens and hooters sound out across the water and underneath it all the constant sound of the water lapping against the dockside.
Related image
Rick enters the shed marked customs and queues ready to present his suitcase for inspection. He views the different queues and tries to ascertain which Customs officer seems least engaged in their duties.

Notice Check D8(6)D6(5) =6  1 success

He notices one who seems slightly less vigilant and steps into the line. Whilst in the line he looks round at the other passengers and crew who are milling round.

Notice Check D8(5)D6(6!6!3) = 15 success with 2 raises and spots 3 people of interest.

As Rick casually looks around 3 passengers catch his eye

A young man in his 20s. He is looking at those passengers around him more intently than usual. Then out of the corner of his eye, Rick notices that the man makes contact with one of the men watching over proceedings and with the slightest gesture indicates one of the other passengers. Later the passenger is led away for a more intensive inspection of their luggage.

Mythic Event Focus: Move away from a thread Security

A middle-aged woman in her 50s is talking quite loudly to those around her who will listen. She speaks with a strong southern accent. She is talking to her neighbour about how Herr Hitler seems to be doing so much for his country. “I’m sure he is much nicer than what some of our papers are saying!”

A young woman in her twenties is in front of Rick – her perfume smells fantastic – just the right mix of expensive and dangerous. She is looking around her – taking everything in – In doing so she notices Rick and smiles – “Hello”

Mythic Event Focus: PC Positive

Rick tries to trade some small talk


Attitude drops 2 levels to uncooperative – whatever it was he said – she really didn’t like it.

Rick gets to the head of the queue and hands his luggage over along with his forms, tickets and passport. He then tries to subtly draw the officer’s eyes away from the suitcase to his knapsack with his climbing equipment. However, it fails and he is all over the suitcase like a rash.

D(8)1 D6(2)

He tries to persuade the officer that everything is in order

D(6)4 D6(5) = 1 Success

And he gets through but it was not as easy as he had hoped – let’s hope it’s easier getting into Germany.

His bags are whisked away by the crew and he makes his way to the gang plank and onto the Ship.

Walk scene success

OP – 0 PP – 1 SP – 2

Gain a Bennie

Chaos 7

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